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Using Church Magazines
September 2007

“Using Church Magazines,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 75

Using Church Magazines

When I was called to teach the Sunbeams, I decided to collect stories, illustrations, and other items found in Church magazines. From the issues, I created a resource file arranged by topic. To protect the collection, I laminated many of the items. You could also use contact paper or archival sheet protectors, or you could adhere them to cardstock. My ever-expanding file has become a treasure trove in helping me enhance my lessons. Young learners (and even the not-so-young) tend to be more attentive when they can both see and hear gospel stories.
Dedelyn Hamilton, Colorado

Note: With the magazines available online in PDF format, many illustrations can be printed from the Gospel Library on the Church Web site LDS.org. This way, your magazines can be left intact.