undefined undefined Comment
October 2007

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 2007, 80


It Hasn’t All Been Done

I want to thank Loretta Evans for her “It’s All Been Done” article (July 2007 Ensign; see also “FamilySearch Indexing,” August 2007 Ensign). Thank you for informing me of the opportunity to help in the process of digitizing for the Family and Church History Department. I’ve always wanted to do genealogy work and have felt frustrated with the lack of progress in doing my own family’s work. But now I have another way I can feel helpful. I’m a whiz at the computer and typing, and I’ve always wondered how I could make use of this talent for good. Now I can go on the Internet and do batches of work for others. This is such an easy and accessible way to serve! I hope the Church continues to advertise this volunteer opportunity.
Kealoha Kagawa, Oregon

FamilySearch Indexing

I too have found indexing a profound experience. I get tears in my eyes when I find mothers who have had several children and most of them have died. I feel the pain and realize these are not just names; these are real people. I soon discovered I had indexed 18,000 names—and the effort was well worth the time.
Shirley M. Mackley, Washington

Contemplating the Atonement

Thank you for publishing Thomas B. Griffith’s article, “The Root of Christian Doctrine” (August 2007 Ensign), which advocates studying in detail the events that make up the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Brother Griffith’s quote from President Hinckley that “no member of this Church must ever forget the terrible price paid by our Redeemer” emphasizes an obligation we sometimes shirk: contemplating the full and arduous scope of the atoning sacrifice.

I frankly find it painful to learn about and contemplate all the Savior suffered for my redemption, but such studying brings me strength, comfort, grace, and the courage to face my challenges. Truly, as Brother Griffith points out, our sacrament hymns remind us of all Jesus Christ underwent from Gethsemane to Calvary, and “we should not avoid thinking about the price He paid to win our souls.”
Betsy VanDenBerghe, Utah

The Success of Temple Square Missionaries

I read with great interest the article about the sister missionaries on Temple Square (July 2007 Ensign) and the fact that they never know whether the information they have given to the tourists ever ends up with someone becoming a member of the Church.

In August 1948, I was a tourist in Salt Lake City. I had purchased a bus tour package to visit the parks out West. During the time I was in Salt Lake City, I visited Welfare Square, Memory Grove, the Great Salt Lake, and Temple Square.

I picked up one each of all the leaflets at Temple Square. When I went to the drugstore I found a booklet entitled These Amazing Mormons. I purchased this booklet too. I returned home to Chicago and systematically read the literature and the booklet. The booklet mentioned the nearby mission home. One Sunday I got up enough courage to locate the mission home to find out more about this religion. I feel I was led from above. After investigating the Church for about a year, I was baptized in 1950.

Yes, there are people who take the Temple Square tour who are touched by the messages!
Dorothy J. Kirton, Utah

Crediting the Sculptors

The Ensign’s June 2007 inside back cover features a photograph of the statues of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on horseback. These statues were sculpted by Stanley J. Watts and Kimberly Corpany.