“A Mother and an Overflowing Heart,” Ensign, Dec. 2007, 40–43
A Mother and an Overflowing Heart
During the Christmas season, our hearts are turned to the birth of the Savior. This may be especially true for new mothers. One such mother shares her experience.
“It was nearly two o’clock in the morning. My day had been filled with rocking my sick and crying baby instead of baking Christmas goodies as I had planned. Now, after bathing and dressing my son, I placed him in his crib and went to search through the last batch of wash for a clean blanket.
“As I walked back to his room, a picture of the nativity scene caught my eye. Something made me pause to look into the serene, innocent face of the sleeping Christ child. Suddenly I realized that this baby had grown up to know far better than I the pain of sacrifice. It was His mission to perform the greatest sacrifice in all of human history—the Atonement for the sins of all mankind.
“The Savior’s love for me filled my weary heart, and in turn, I was consumed with love for my own little boy. Hastily I went into his room and picked him up, eager to offer what small comfort I could. I rocked him by the light of our Christmas tree, humming soft Christmas carols. And whenever I looked into his little face, I was reminded of my Savior, the baby in the manger.”
Following are paintings of mothers, who often represent the spirit of these words from President Gordon B. Hinckley: “Giving of self; giving of substance; giving of heart and mind and strength in assisting those in need … are of the very essence of the true spirit of Christmas” (“What Shall I Do Then with Jesus Which Is Called Christ?” Ensign, Dec. 1983, 3).