undefined undefined Comments
December 2007

“Comments,” Ensign, Dec. 2007, 80


Everyday Laughter

I want to say thank you for Gary K. Palmer’s article, “The Power of Laughter,” in the September 2007 Ensign. My wife and I read the article and found it very helpful in reminding us to laugh and play in our daily interactions with each other and with our son.
Scott Johnson, New York

Trusting His Will

I just read Wendy Johnston’s article, “Not My Will,” in the August 2007 Ensign. I was very touched by her faith and courage. I face challenges with my own children, and although my challenges are different from Wendy’s, I was reminded that our trials give us the opportunity to seek and accept the will of the Father for our families and ourselves.
Suzanne White, Australia

Welcoming All

I must write and thank you for the August 2007 issue of the Ensign. President James E. Faust’s article, “Welcoming Every Single One,” was so important. A friend told me in a discussion recently that the Church is really geared towards married couples and families. I shared the August issue with this article, and it was a comfort to my friend.
Julie McDonald, Utah

Church Magazines Available Electronically

We would like to express our gratitude for the electronic versions of Church magazines. I found an article today that I used to teach a lesson, and my wife uses articles from the Friend as a source of inspiration as she teaches our grandchildren. We reside in the most remote capital city on earth, so the availability of the prophetic counsel as well as articles on gospel subjects are a wonderful lift in our lives.
Phil and Trish Baker, Australia

One Million Names

Several readers have expressed interest in the FamilySearch indexing project. Derek Dobson, product manager of FamilySearch Indexing, reported, “Since the article was published [“FamilySearch Indexing,” August, 34], we have had almost 20,000 new users register to participate as volunteers, and we are now indexing more than one million names per day. I anticipate that we will soon have over 100,000 users in the system and will be producing even more names per day that will be searchable online at FamilySearch.org. Many thanks!”


The painting on the inside front cover of the July 2007 Ensign, Celebration on July 4, 1847, Los Angeles, California, is listed as a work by Charles Brent Hancock. The painting appears to be a work by pioneer Latter-day Saint artist C. C. A. Christensen. Definitive information is not available, but Charles Hancock is known to have used works by C. C. A. Christensen in a series of historical presentations. The painting was included in the book C. C. A. Christensen: 1831–1912: Mormon Immigrant Artist (page 89), published in 1984.

In the article “Are you Prepared?” (Ensign, August 2007, 30) President George Albert Smith (1870–1951) is credited with a quote in the section “Latter-day Prophets Speak on Preparedness” on page 33. The quote was actually from Elder George A. Smith (1817–1875), President Smith’s grandfather, who served as a counselor to President Brigham Young.