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Just a Small Donation
January 2008

“Just a Small Donation,” Ensign, Jan. 2008, 74

Just a Small Donation

Alf and Lois Hopkins, Canada

Just $1—we wondered if such a small donation would make a difference. As a couple, we’d always paid our tithes and fast offerings. But on a fixed pension, it was a challenge to contribute to the other funds, such as general missionary and Book of Mormon, listed on the donation slip. During one of our home teachers’ visits, we mentioned that we’d been thinking of donating $1 to each fund and wondered if that would look silly or cheap, giving so little. But we realized if every Church member who is able would do this, it could provide millions of dollars a month to each of these funds.

With that encouraging realization, we began to make our dollar donations each month. Our donation may be small, but if Church members throughout the world joined the effort, just think of the blessings that could be provided to Church members and others throughout the world.