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Keyboard Course Kit
February 2008

“Keyboard Course Kit,” Ensign, Feb. 2008, 74

Keyboard Course Kit

Sylvia Salisbury, Texas McAllen Mission

Musically challenged? You don’t have to be. In my calling as stake music chairman, I have taught classes in conducting music and in playing the keyboard, using materials the Church provides. The Keyboard Course Kit (item no. 33620; U.S. $19) is a great resource that includes a manual, an audiocassette, music note cards, a cardboard keyboard, and Hymns Made Easy (also available separately; item no. 31249).

I also teach private piano lessons and have encouraged my LDS students to become competent accompanists for Church meetings. My beginning students have benefited greatly from using the materials in the kit. Even before they learn music notation, they can match their hands to the pictures showing positions on the keyboard and follow the finger numbers.

Some of my students have progressed to the Hymns Made Easy version and are accompanists for Young Women and priesthood meetings. Teaching people to play the piano is now one of my main assignments as a senior sister missionary serving in Texas. The goal is to help my students serve in music callings, and the Keyboard Course Kit has been a valuable resource.