undefined undefined Contents
April 2008

“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 2008, 1–3


April 2008 Volume 38 • Number 4

On the cover

Photographs by Craig Dimond

Using This Issue

Study with your children. What kinds of music do you and members of your family listen to? For your next family home evening, consider studying “Worthy Music, Worthy Thoughts,” found in this month’s New Era magazine or online at newera.lds.org. In it, President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles notes that we can control our thoughts through listening to uplifting music. For examples of the power of music in people’s lives, see page 66.

Learn about new leaders. Interested in learning more about newly called Church leaders? Press releases, photos, and video of recent press conferences are available online at newsroom.lds.org under “News Releases and Stories.”

Understand who you are. When you view situations, your life, and yourself with an eternal perspective, challenges can seem more bearable. This month’s issue includes several articles about this kind of perspective. See pages 44, 46, and 54.