April 2008

“Comments,” Ensign, Apr. 2008, 79–80


Joy and Pain of Adoption

I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for the article on adoption in the January 2008 Ensign. My wife and I have applied with two adoption agencies and have since experienced the joys and pains and heartache that are all involved with adoption. One of the hurdles we never expected was the lack of education of family and friends regarding adoption. Some have been very supportive, while others we expected to be supportive have not been.

The article on adoption was extremely well-written and expressed many of the feelings and desires we have had along the way, including our thoughts and feelings as we have come to understand what a spiritual journey this is. Thank you for spreading the word on what a beautiful blessing adoption is.

Name Withheld

Conference Photographs

Thank you for the beautiful photographs included in the conference issue. The pictures of Saints from around the world attending general conference are very uplifting.

Alicia Richards, WA

The Prompting I Needed

Seeking guidance about the topic of revelation recently, I felt inspired to read the October 2007 Ensign. The article “I Will Not Leave You Comfortless” was an answer to my prayers. That article was very specific about discerning promptings and was exactly what I needed. I felt as if God put His arm around me and told me personally, “I will not leave you comfortless.” I am thankful that Heavenly Father loves me so much that He sent the Holy Ghost to prompt me to read it.

Name Withheld

Helping Me Serve

Thanks very much for the articles you are issuing to us. I have loved reading the Ensign ever since I came on my mission. I wasn’t well equipped with the doctrine of the Church when I began serving because I had only been a member of the Church for a year and a few months. I have since learned a lot, especially by reading the Ensign.

My life has changed as I have read this magazine. I have received many blessings from reading the words of the prophet and other General Authorities, and I have been better able to keep the Spirit with me. I have also witnessed other people changing as I have improved my teaching because of these articles we get every month.

Elder Kakeeto Robert Namugera, Kenya Nairobi Mission


In the February 2008 Ensign, on page 41 of the article titled “Joseph and Emma’s Family,” the next to the last child born to the Prophet Joseph Smith and his wife, Emma, should have been listed as “the 7th son” [infant] instead of Thomas Smith.


The new FamilySearch.org Web site will allow members to print a bar-coded form at home that they can take with them to the temple to create temple ordinance cards. The January 2008 Ensign news article “New Opportunity Allows More Members to Serve,” on page 79, states the site allows members to print temple ordinance cards from home.