A Time of Harvest
September 2008

“A Time of Harvest,” Ensign, Sept. 2008, 40–43

A Time of Harvest

The season for harvesting, preparing, and preserving is captured on these pages in the works of Latter-day Saint artists and in the words of latter-day prophets.

President Thomas S. Monson: “Oh, the joy of harvest time! Picture the scene of ward members canning peaches, sorting eggs, or cleaning vegetables, all for the use of those who are in need. Brows are sweat-lined, clothing is soiled, bodies are tired—but human souls are refreshed and lifted towards heaven.”1

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): “The best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program.”2

President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985): “We encourage you to grow all the food that you feasibly can on your own property. Berry bushes, grapevines, fruit trees—plant them if your climate is right for their growth. Grow vegetables and eat them from your own yard.”3

Harvest Time in France

Above: Harvest Time in France, by James T. Harwood

Oil on canvas, 17⅜″ x 31″, courtesy of the Springville Museum of Art

The Harvester

Left: The Harvester, by Greg K. Olsen

Oil on canvas, 24″ x 36″, © Greg K. Olsen, may not be copied

Agriculture: The Farm Worker

Right: Agriculture: The Farm Worker, by Mahonri M. Young

Bronze, 46½″ tall, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art

The Faithful Gardener

Bottom: The Faithful Gardener, by Emma Allebes

Sewn fabric quilt, 51″ x 39″, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art, from the Seventh International Art Competition

Laborers in the Vineyard

Above: Laborers in the Vineyard, by J. Kirk Richards

Oil on canvas, 105″ x 73″, private collection

Preserving data-Posterity

Right: Preserving Posterity, by Lori Nicholas

Oil on canvas, 30″ x 24″, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art, from the Sixth International Art Competition

Hearts Filled with Gratitude

Below: Hearts Filled with Gratitude, by A. D. Shaw

Oil on panel, 30″ x 24″, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art, from the Sixth International Art Competition

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Below: By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them, by Linda Etherington

Oil on panel, 30″ x 40″, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art, from the Sixth International Art Competition

Servants of the Last Harvest

Left: Servants of the Last Harvest, by David Koch

Oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art, from the Seventh International Art Competition


  1. Thomas S. Monson, “The Bishop—Center Stage in Welfare,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 90.

  2. Gordon B. Hinckley, “To Men of the Priesthood,” Ensign, Nov. 2002, 58.

  3. Spencer W. Kimball, “Family Preparedness,” Ensign, May 1976, 124.