undefined undefined Contents
October 2008

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 2008, 1–3


October 2008 Volume 38 • Number 10

Abortion: An Assault on the Defenseless, p. 32

On the cover

Photograph by Jerry Garns

Using This Issue

Recognizing the Shepherd’s voice. Several accounts of conversion are included in this month’s issue (see pages 10 and 16). As you read about how these members heard and responded to the voice of the Good Shepherd, consider times that you have done the same. How can you increase your ability to listen to such promptings?

Teaching our children to what source they might look. We all carry responsibilities and face times of challenge and discouragement. Note the accounts of members who put their trust in the Lord (see pages 22, 29, and 62). What can you teach your children about where they can turn in times of trouble?

Protecting our families. Several articles in this issue focus on preserving and protecting families in the last days (see pages 15, 44, 50, and 58). How have you found safety in adhering to the principles described in these articles? The Family Guidebook (item no. 31180000), available at www.ldscatalog.com, may offer additional helps.