undefined undefined Supplementing Family Home Evening
Supplementing Family Home Evening
October 2008

“Supplementing Family Home Evening,” Ensign, Oct. 2008, 73

Family Home Evening Helps

Supplementing Family Home Evening

Sharlene T. Barber, Tennessee

You know about the Family Home Evening Resource Book, but did you realize there are two video supplements as well?

Created from general conference addresses, satellite broadcasts, and Church films and filmstrips, the videos have material for all ages. When most of our children were teenagers, they thought they had heard every lesson possible, so it was sometimes difficult to present lessons in a new light. The video supplements proved to be just the thing we needed. One effective lesson for us was the second one in the manual, “The Commandments: Gifts from a Loving Father.” We watched a segment from the second video, titled “The Commandments Are for Our Protection.” It vividly shows a large youth group on a rafting trip. When one young man breaks the rules, a young woman almost drowns. That visual image, showing the consequences of disobedience, has had a lasting impact on our family.

Each segment is listed on the video cover, indicating the corresponding lesson in the manual. The length of each segment is also indicated to further help with lesson preparation.