“Adrián Ochoa,” Ensign, May 2009, 143
Adrián Ochoa
Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency

As a young man, Adrián Ochoa Quintana came to an understanding of the need for humility in his life that has provided him with a strong focus ever since.
“The first time I read Alma 32:15, I learned that if you follow promptings without being forced to be humble, you will receive many blessings,” Brother Ochoa recalls. “When I decided to follow that promise, my life received a whole new direction.”
As second counselor in the Young Men general presidency, Brother Ochoa recognizes the need to continue to strive to be humble.
Brother Ochoa was born in San Francisco, California, USA, on March 7, 1954, to Eduardo and Consuelo Ochoa. His youth was spent between Los Angeles, California, and Chihuahua, Mexico. The experiences gained in these two places have been valuable later in his life.
Brother Ochoa has worked in advertising and film production in the United States and Mexico and developed multiple marketing campaigns for some of the top 500 companies in the world. He credits his time in Los Angeles as an opportunity to learn how the media works. Likewise, he believes his time in Mexico allowed him the opportunity to “breathe different air” and spend time in nature. “It was the best of both worlds,” he says.
His interest in media led him to a bachelor’s degree in communications and master’s degrees in business and marketing.
As a young man, he was called to serve a special public affairs mission in Mexico, where he met with government leaders and used the media to preach the gospel.
Brother Ochoa and his wife, Nancy Villareal, who were sealed in the Mexico City Mexico Temple, live in Highland, Utah. They have five children. Brother Ochoa has served as high priests group leader, stake president, area public affairs director, Area Seventy, and president of the Honduras San Pedro Sula Mission.