June 2009

“Contents,” Ensign, June 2009, 1–3


June 2009 Volume 39 • Number 6

On the Cover

Front: Photo illustration by Jerry Garns. Back: Photograph of butterfly © Photospin; background © Nova Development.

Using This Issue

Put your house in order. Pages 28–43 focus on the importance of provident living and show examples of members living within their means. What can you teach your family about provident living? Consider choosing an area that you want to improve on and discuss ways to implement your plan.

Understand the impact of decisions. Several articles in this issue focus on the long-reaching effects of decisions. (See pp. 10, 12, 26, 36, 46, 54, 60, 66, and 72.) Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Which ones have brought you long-term happiness? Consider sharing your testimony of agency with your family or a friend.

Make the gospel message accessible to all. If you have been asked to share your language skills through service as an interpreter, you can find helpful resources at LDS.org. Select Serving in the Church, then Interpreter’s Resources.