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Help Them Prepare
September 2009

“Help Them Prepare,” Ensign, Sept. 2009, 70

Help Them Prepare

Brian and Darlene Barrington, Virginia, USA

Our family enjoys sharing information about the Church with neighbors and friends. Since we live in an area where hurricanes occur, preparing for a natural disaster is essential. Our ward held an emergency preparedness fair and invited the public to the event. After the fair, our family decided to personally deliver the information to nonmember friends in the area who didn’t attend. We collected extra pamphlets and handouts at the fair, added a few tips on food preservation from www.providentliving.org, and slipped everything into individual folders.

They were easy to deliver. We explained that we had just attended an emergency preparedness fair and had some helpful information to share. Usually a good discussion followed and our neighbors were touched that we cared enough to include them.