undefined undefined Online
January 2010

“Online,” Ensign, Jan. 2010, 3



Get more from your Church magazine experience—check out these extras (and others), available at ensign.lds.org.

Using the Ensign: A look at how members of the Church are using their magazine.

Solving Problems: Watch President Boyd K. Packer’s 1978 address on which the article on p. 50 is based.

A Day in the Life of a Paramedic: Watch video about Samantha Wills and her work as a paramedic. (Her story appears on p. 60.)

Getting Started with Family History: Want to begin your family history but aren’t sure how to start? Materials in our beginner’s kit may help.

How We Know: Read weekly stories of members’ conversions to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Did You Know? You can tune into Mormon Channel, an online radio service, 24 hours a day for Church-sponsored programming, podcasts, and downloadable shows. Go to radio.lds.org.