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Helps for Home Evening
January 2010

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Jan. 2010, 70

Helps for Home Evening

“The Courage to Comfort,” p. 52: “Stories can awaken learners’ interest. We can often teach a principle more effectively when we first share a story to illustrate it. This helps learners understand the principle in terms of everyday experiences” (Teaching, No Greater Call, [1999] 93). Consider sharing a personal story when you were able to offer comfort or when someone offered comfort to you.

“With a Life Hanging in the Balance,” p. 60: After reading this article together, family members could share experiences when they have been blessed by following the promptings of the Spirit.

“Making Mountains,” p. 46: This article compares overcoming challenges with climbing a mountain. You might be able to create an activity, such as climbing a hill or some stairs, that would help family members remember and apply the principle.

“I Will Be Found of You,” p. 80: A fun activity could be to play hide-and-seek as a family, and then relate the game to the promise found in Jeremiah 29:13: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”