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Helps for Home Evening
April 2010

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Apr. 2010, 69

Helps for Home Evening

“Becoming a Quality Person Now,” p. 28. Display several items (for example, a pencil, Book of Mormon, Ensign, pair of shoes), and invite family members to rank them from most valuable to least valuable. Discuss how they chose the rankings. What qualities make a person’s life valuable? Encourage each person to do something specific in the coming week to become a more quality person.

“Making the Marriage Decision,” p. 20. To demonstrate the principles taught in this article to young children, you may want to gradually fill a glass of water until it is full. This may invite a discussion about how family members are gradually making progress towards their most important personal and family goals until the goals are reached.

“The Atonement and Faith,” p. 30. Consider reading the analogy given in the first two paragraphs of the section, “We Must Make a Mighty Change,” and discussing how family members can be strengthened by the Savior to resist sin. Younger children could illustrate the example of the tree bending over and then becoming stronger.