undefined undefined Copenhagen Denmark Temple
Copenhagen Denmark Temple
July 2010

“Copenhagen Denmark Temple,” Ensign, July 2010, 70

Temple Spotlight

Copenhagen Denmark Temple

Originally dedicated as the Priorvej chapel near the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1931, this beautiful redbrick edifice became the 118th temple of the Church when it was dedicated as such on May 23, 2004. It was described as “a new temple in an old shell.”1

The original exterior—including a façade with impressive columns flanking the wooden door—was preserved and restored while the interior went through extensive reconstruction. Murals and paintings of scenes from local landscapes exemplify the temple’s distinctively Danish and Swedish influences. Five tall windows made of art glass run along each side of the building, which has a unique roof made of copper with a copper-clad dome.

At the temple dedication President Hinckley prayed that Heavenly Father would “touch the hearts of all who serve herein with an understanding of Thy divine purposes and of Thy glorious work in bringing ‘to pass the immortality and eternal life of man’” (Moses 1:39).2


  1. See “2004: Year in Review,” Church News, Dec. 25, 2004, 13.

  2. See “Dedicatory Prayer,” ldschurchtemples.com/copenhagen.

This meetinghouse, built by members, was dedicated in 1931 and later used as a bomb shelter during World War II. After the building was renovated, it became the 118th temple (below).