In Other Church Magazines
December 2010

“In Other Church Magazines,” Ensign, Dec. 2010, 79

In Other Church Magazines

The New Era

The First Christmas

What was going on in the Book of Mormon lands when Christ was born in Bethlethem? Review the exciting events, especially the amazing miracle of a day and a night and a day of light, that signaled the birth of the Savior. Check out the words and art in “Christmas in the New World” on page 24.

Christmas Singing

Teens in South Africa use music to celebrate the Christmas season. Read more in “Sing Praise to Him” on page 16.

Avoiding Materialism

How do we handle materialism at this time of the year? Read five tips for tackling materialism in “Enough Stuff” on page 34.

The Friend

Christmas Workshop

Find recipes and crafts you can create this Christmas season. These pages include directions on how to make Greek Christmas cookies, a candle jar, Christmas carrots, and a manger card. On page 26.

A Year on Temple Square

Learn more about the Church History Library as the Year on Temple Square series concludes with an article that follows a 10-year-old girl during her visit to the library. Then watch a video on friend.lds.org to learn more about the library. On page 6.
