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Helps for Home Evening
April 2011

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Apr. 2011, 73

Helps for Home Evening

“To Always Remember Him,” page 48: After reading the article, reflect as a family on Elder Christofferson’s counsel: “We can begin by stripping everything out of our lives and then putting it back together in priority order with the Savior at the center.” Discuss ways to implement this in your family. Consider talking about some of the blessings Elder Christofferson mentions that come as we “always remember the Savior.”

“Families That Pray Together,” page 12: As you read the experiences in this article, invite family members to make a list of things they can do to strengthen family prayers. Make a goal to implement one thing during the coming week. At your next family home evening, you could ask family members to share the experiences and feelings they had during the past week regarding family prayer.

“I Need Thee Every Hour,” page 16: As part of the lesson, consider summarizing what Elder Nielson learned from President Kimball about the need for “constant prayer and communication with Heavenly Father. Share the “four simple reasons” he suggests for praying. Encourage family members to briefly discuss each of these reasons and then read the explanations. You may want to close by singing President Kimball’s favorite hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour.”