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Helps for Home Evening
August 2011

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Aug. 2011, 73

Helps for Home Evening

“Taking His Name upon Me,” page 8: Read the story by Brother Frandsen and discuss the three ways he took the Savior’s name upon him. Consider asking family members how they can take the Savior’s name upon them in their everyday lives. Set a goal to implement one of these suggestions, and share your experiences with each other in an upcoming family home evening.

“One Stalwart Pioneer, Many Generations Blessed,” page 12: As you share this article with your family, consider discussing how Sara’s example influenced her father. Discuss how your example can influence those around you, for good or for bad. Set a goal to be a “stalwart pioneer” every day.

“Did He Really Ask Me That?” page 24: While reviewing the article, identify and compare the concerns felt by the Church members regarding their callings. Read President Monson’s quote and then discuss ways to invite Heavenly Father’s help in fulfilling your stewardships. Consider reviewing the resources listed under “Receiving Help from Other Sources.”