undefined undefined Contents
October 2011

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 2011, 1–3

Ensign, October 2011

Welcome to This Special Issue

Few topics are worth dedicating a whole issue to, but the Book of Mormon is one of them. In this issue, prophets past and present, as well as members all over the world, testify of this unique book of scripture. Its origins are miraculous. It is tangible evidence of the Restoration. It is the keystone of our religion. And it was written for our day—teaching the doctrine of Christ clearly and simply to build our faith and strengthen our families.

Although you won’t find many of the departments you are accustomed to having in the Ensign, the First Presidency Message (page 4) and Visiting Teaching Message (page 46) are here. These messages and all the other articles share testimonies and teachings from the Book of Mormon.

We invite you to study this issue prayerfully, take the messages to heart, and share them—and the Book of Mormon—with others.