undefined undefined Helps for Home Evening
Helps for Home Evening
February 2012

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Feb. 2012, 73

Helps for Home Evening

“Keeping Safe and Balanced in a Google-YouTube-Twitter-Facebook-iEverything World,” page 18: Familiarize yourself with the article before family home evening. Select the sections that you feel are most applicable to share with your family. You may wish to read the list under “Digital Rules” as a family and then come up with your own rules for media use in your home. Stress the importance of using media responsibly by reading Elder Bednar’s quote under “Be Careful in Cyberspace.”

“The Doctrine of the Father,” page 32: Start by asking family members to share what they know about Heavenly Father. Then go through the article, summarizing the points in each section that give insight into who God the Father is. Consider concluding with your testimony of the love that Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, have for us.

“This Is Your Work,” page 42: Beforehand, read the sidebar titled, “What Can I Do?” Choose one of the ideas that your family can do together during family home evening to get involved in family history and temple work. Read the article to your family and then ask them what blessings Sister Beck said would come as they engage in this important work. Carry out the idea you planned ahead of time and consider making a goal as a family to continue this project in weeks to come.