In Other Church Magazines
March 2012

“In Other Church Magazines,” Ensign, Mar. 2012, 79

In Other Church Magazines

The New Era

Understanding Isaiah

Can a teenager understand Isaiah? The answer is yes. This month’s New Era has tips to help young people get the most out of reading the book of Isaiah.

Modesty Matters

For many teens preparing to attend their school proms, finding a modest dress is sometimes a challenge. One author’s experience shows how making the effort to be modest causes others to take notice. Read about it on pages 38–39.

Temple Worship

On pages 2–3, Elder Richard G. Scott talks about the importance of temple worship. In addition, the issue includes ideas for youth to prepare mentally and spiritually before going to the temple.

The Friend

A Book of Mormon Celebration

The Church History Museum near Temple Square has a special exhibit called “A Book of Mormon Celebración for Children.” Read pages 24–25 in the March Friend to find out about some of the interesting activities and displays featured in the exhibit. You’ll also find ideas about how you can have a Book of Mormon celebration in your home.

Conference Game

Page 26 in the Friend features a “Conference Squares” game that children can use during next month’s general conference. Visit lds.org/general-conference/children for more conference ideas and activities.
