They Spoke to Us: Making Conference Part of Our Lives
May 2012

“They Spoke to Us: Making Conference Part of Our Lives,” Ensign, May 2012, 130–31

They Spoke to Us

Making Conference Part of Our Lives

Consider using some of these activities and questions as a starting point for family discussion or personal pondering.

The page numbers listed below indicate the first page of the talk.

For Children

  • President Dieter F. Uchtdorf shared two important words he wants us to remember when we feel tempted to be unkind to someone (page 70). Do you remember what those two words are? Talk with your parents about some of the behaviors he suggested we stop. Think about how you can be more like Jesus Christ in the way you treat others.

  • Elder Russell M. Nelson talked about many of the amazing abilities of our physical bodies (page 77), and Elder Ronald A. Rasband taught that our Heavenly Father loves us even though our bodies aren’t perfect (page 80). How does having a body make you feel? Think about all the different things your body can do. When you say your prayers, think about what you can say to Heavenly Father to thank Him for this gift.

For Youth

  • Do you know people who ask the three questions the prophet listed in his talk during the Sunday morning session (page 90): “Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go after we leave this life?” Read his answers to those questions and think about ways you might be able to share those truths with people who do not yet have them.

  • Some people do not understand that Latter-day Saints believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Read Elder Dallin H. Oaks’s talk, “Sacrifice,” and think about this statement: “Our lives of service and sacrifice are the most appropriate expressions of our commitment to serve the Master and our fellowmen” (page 19). What does the way you live your life say about your testimony of the Savior?

  • Elder Quentin L. Cook taught, “When one is tone-deaf to the music of faith, he or she is out of tune with the Spirit” (page 41). Think about what an out-of-tune instrument sounds like and what might cause an instrument to be out of tune. What specific things can you do to keep from becoming “tone-deaf to the music of faith”?

  • Several speakers in this conference talked about their families—including part-member families, single-parent families, and families facing adversity of many kinds. What have these speakers learned from and appreciated about their families? What do you love and appreciate about yours? How can you contribute to and lift your family members?

For Adults

  • President Boyd K. Packer taught, “One of the great discoveries of parenthood is that we learn far more about what really matters from our children than we ever did from our parents” (page 6). If you are a parent, think about some of the important lessons you’ve gained from your children, or if you’re not a parent, think about lessons you’ve learned from children you know. Consider sharing those lessons—and the circumstances under which you’ve learned them—with your spouse, a friend, your children, or others.

  • We can be delivered from evil when we turn to the teachings of the scriptures, taught Elder L. Tom Perry (page 94). How have teachings from the scriptures helped deliver you? How have they helped you choose the right?

  • Several of the talks focused on covenants, particularly temple covenants. Think about what Elder Robert D. Hales said: “Let’s have a talk with ourselves in the mirror and ask, ‘Where do I stand on living my covenants?’” (page 34). Think about your answer and perhaps what you can do to better live your covenants—and to invite others to make and live theirs.

  • Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (page 31), Elder Neil L. Andersen (page 111), and others talked about discipleship and the process of coming to Christ. What has your own process of discipleship been? What things did you learn from these or other talks about continuing to come to the Savior?

  • “Our fundamental commission,” Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, “is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, His doctrine, in all the world” (page 86). Review Elder Christofferson’s talk as well as Elder Donald L. Hallstrom’s talk (page 13) and consider what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. What opportunities do you have in your home, your calling, and your associations to teach it?
