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Drawing Parallels: Family
July 2012

“Drawing Parallels: Family,” Ensign, July 2012, 9

Study Corner

Drawing Parallels: Family

Some of the most important topics are addressed by more than one general conference speaker. Here is what four speakers said about families. Try looking for other parallels as you study conference talks.

  • “Husbands and wives should understand that their first calling—from which they will never be released—is to one another and then to their children.”1—President Boyd K. Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

  • “We need to do things in the right order! Marriage first and then family. Too many in the world have forgotten this natural order of things and think they can change it or even reverse it.”2—Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

  • “We know that family scripture study and family home evenings are not always perfect. Regardless of the challenges you face, do not become discouraged.”3—Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

  • “Teaching our children to understand is more than just imparting information. It’s helping our children get the doctrine into their hearts.”4—Cheryl A. Esplin, second counselor in the Primary general presidency


  1. Boyd K. Packer, “And A Little Child Shall Lead Them,” Ensign, May 2012, 8.

  2. M. Russell Ballard, “That the Lost May Be Found,” Ensign, May 2012, 100.

  3. Quentin L. Cook, “In Tune with the Music of Faith,” Ensign, May 2012, 44.

  4. Cheryl A. Esplin, “Teaching Our Children to Understand,” Ensign, May 2012, 10.