In Other Church Magazines
October 2012

“In Other Church Magazines,” Ensign, Oct. 2012, 79

In Other Church Magazines

The New Era

Young Women and Relief Society

When young women prepare for their 18th birthday, they may have questions about what Relief Society will be like. Find answers to commonly asked questions in “Looking Forward to Relief Society” on page 37.

Young Men and Mission Prep

While serving as a full-time missionary in Mexico, Caleb Porter wrote a letter home to his younger family members with tips for preparing for a mission. His counsel in “Dear Future Missionaries” on page 34 may be helpful for all youth preparing to serve a full-time mission.

Good Friends

Friendship is an important part of a young person’s life. In “Be Wise and Be a Friend” on page 2, Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles provides counsel for how to choose friends wisely and how to be a good friend as well.

The Friend

Preparing to Transition

Do you know a girl who is preparing to enter the Young Women organization or a boy who will soon receive the Aaronic Priesthood? The October Friend features stories and messages designed to help prepare these children for the next phases in their lives. The issue also includes messages from Young Men general president David L. Beck and Young Women general president Elaine S. Dalton that encourage children to prepare to enter the Young Men and Young Women organizations.

Temple Preparation

Read page 46 of the October Friend to find out about a young woman’s experience of visiting the Halifax Nova Scotia Temple for the first time. Then read on to see the tips she gives to others who plan to enter the temple soon.
