“Forgiveness Brings Happiness,” Ensign, Oct. 2012, 7
Forgiveness Brings Happiness
President Uchtdorf teaches that we should forgive our family members. See how Joseph’s and Anna’s choices affect their family.
Joseph and his little sister, Anna, are playing together. Anna snatches Joseph’s toy away from him. What should Joseph do?
Joseph gets angry at Anna. Anna cries. Joseph’s mother disciplines him for fighting with his sister. Joseph is sorry that he made a poor choice.
Joseph forgives Anna and finds another toy to play with. They play together happily. Their mother is glad that Joseph was kind to his sister and kept peace in the family. Joseph feels happy for choosing to forgive.
Later, Joseph and Anna need to help their mother prepare dinner. Joseph doesn’t help. What should Anna do?
Anna complains to her mother. Anna argues about having to do the work alone. At dinner everyone is unhappy because of the arguing.
Anna forgives Joseph and helps with dinner. Their mother is grateful for Anna’s help. The family enjoys being together at dinner. Anna feels good that she chose to forgive.
How do your choices to forgive affect your family’s happiness?
Illustrations by Casey Nelson