Church Announces New Youth Curriculum for 2013
November 2012

“Church Announces New Youth Curriculum for 2013,” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 127

Church Announces New Youth Curriculum for 2013

The Church has announced a new curriculum—Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth—for Aaronic Priesthood quorums, Young Women, and youth Sunday School classes for 2013.

One of the main goals of Come, Follow Me is to help teachers—in church and in the home—teach as the Savior did, making lessons more like gospel-centered conversations. Youth will be invited to play a greater role in teaching and learning.

“The focus is on strengthening and building faith, conversion, and testimony, using the most current teachings of the General Authorities and general auxiliary presidencies,” reads a September 12, 2012, letter from the First Presidency.

Come, Follow Me is organized into units that focus on one doctrinal topic each month and are shared across Sunday School, Young Women, and Aaronic Priesthood classes.

In each unit are more lessons than can be taught in one month, so teachers and leaders are asked to seek inspiration and coordinate to determine which lesson outlines to use.

A new guidebook, Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way, will help leaders and teachers better understand how to adapt lessons to the unique needs of their youth and how to help youth learn the gospel.

All the lessons are printable from the Internet. Printed versions of Come, Follow Me will be available at a later date. By the end of 2012, all of the lesson outlines will be available online in 23 languages.

Members, leaders, and teachers can explore the new curriculum online at lds.org/youth/learn.

Area and local leaders will provide training for leaders and teachers before the end of 2012.


Come, Follow Me is a new curriculum that will help teachers teach in the Savior’s way and help youth become more fully converted to the gospel.

Photo illustration by Christina Smith © IRI