undefined undefined Our Family’s Iron Rod
Our Family’s Iron Rod
January 2013

“Our Family’s Iron Rod,” Ensign, Jan. 2013, 69

Our Family’s Iron Rod

Jennifer Crooks, Michigan, USA

Our family wanted a place to hang art and photographs. One evening after reading about Lehi’s dream (see 1 Nephi 8), we decided to make a space by hanging our own “iron rod.” I fastened a curtain rod to a prominent wall in our home, and a friend helped me put “Hold to the Rod” in vinyl lettering above the rod. Then we had a family home evening to discuss the importance of our family’s iron rod. We decided to hang items that would help us stand firm and choose the right. Our four-year-old wanted to hang pictures of her grandparents, and our 11-year-old hung the Articles of Faith she was memorizing. We have since used our rod to hang pictures of General Authorities before general conference, visual aids used for family home evening, gospel art pictures, and more. At the center of our family’s iron rod remains a picture of Christ to remind us whom we are striving to follow.

Photo illustration by John Luke