“I Can Be a Light to Others,” Ensign, Feb. 2013, 7
I Can Be a Light to Others
President Uchtdorf says that to be a light to others, our words should be “clear as a sunny sky and full of grace.” Our words should be happy, honest, and kind. What can you do or say to be a light to others? To find a hidden message in the boxes below, color in black the boxes that say or do things that are mean or hurtful.
“Thank you” |
Be happy |
Be a peacemaker |
“I’ll share with you” |
Be polite |
“I’m sorry” |
Argue |
“It’s good to see you” |
Fight |
“I’d love to help” |
“Please” |
Be kind |
“Get out of my way” |
“I love you” |
“You’re welcome” |
Get angry |
“Good job” |
Give a compliment |
“Let’s be friends” |
Ignore |
Help someone |
Insult |
Gossip |
Bully |
Be gentle |
You could write in your journal five nice things you plan to say to family members or friends.
Photograph of sky © iStockphoto/Thinkstock