undefined undefined I Can Be a Light to Others
I Can Be a Light to Others
February 2013

“I Can Be a Light to Others,” Ensign, Feb. 2013, 7


I Can Be a Light to Others

President Uchtdorf says that to be a light to others, our words should be “clear as a sunny sky and full of grace.” Our words should be happy, honest, and kind. What can you do or say to be a light to others? To find a hidden message in the boxes below, color in black the boxes that say or do things that are mean or hurtful.

“Thank you”

Be happy

Be a peacemaker

“I’ll share with you”

Be polite

“I’m sorry”


“It’s good to see you”


“I’d love to help”


Be kind

“Get out of my way”

“I love you”

“You’re welcome”

Get angry

“Good job”

Give a compliment

“Let’s be friends”


Help someone




Be gentle

You could write in your journal five nice things you plan to say to family members or friends.

Photograph of sky © iStockphoto/Thinkstock