In Other Church Magazines
August 2013

“In Other Church Magazines,” Ensign, Aug. 2013, 75

In Other Church Magazines

The New Era

Come, Follow Me Support: Marriage and Family

Most Latter-day Saint youth know the importance of temple marriage, yet they sometimes have a hard time explaining why it’s so important. As you talk about this subject with youth this month at home or in Sunday lessons, consider discussing some of the ideas found in “Why Temple Marriage?” on page 30.

On page 13, you’ll find designed cards with quotations from Church leaders about the importance of marriage and family. The cards are also available at lds.org/go/E83 for easy downloading or sharing through social media.

The Friend

Scripture Cards

Pages 25 and 26 of the August Friend feature cutout scripture cards for helping children learn how to find solutions and comfort in the scriptures. Additional cards can be printed at lds.org/friend.

Fun Scripture Study Ideas

Try one of the ideas on page 24 of this month’s Friend to help your children get involved with family scripture study. For example, you could have your children draw favorite scripture scenes, make a jar for scripture-marking pencils, or act out the scriptures as you read them.
