“General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” Ensign, Nov. 2013, 64–65
General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
October 2013
The First Presidency

Thomas S. Monson

Henry B. Eyring
First Counselor

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Second Counselor
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Boyd K. Packer

L. Tom Perry

Russell M. Nelson

Dallin H. Oaks

M. Russell Ballard

Richard G. Scott

Robert D. Hales

Jeffrey R. Holland

David A. Bednar

Quentin L. Cook

D. Todd Christofferson

Neil L. Andersen
The Presidency of the Seventy

Ronald A. Rasband

L. Whitney Clayton

Donald L. Hallstrom

Tad R. Callister

Richard J. Maynes

Craig C. Christensen

Ulisses Soares
The First Quorum of the Seventy (in alphabetical order)

Marcos A. Aidukaitis

Jose L. Alonso

Carlos H. Amado

Ian S. Ardern

Mervyn B. Arnold

David S. Baxter

Shayne M. Bowen

Craig A. Cardon

Yoon Hwan Choi

Don R. Clarke

Carl B. Cook

Lawrence E. Corbridge

Claudio R. M. Costa

LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.

Benjamín De Hoyos

Edward Dube

Kevin R. Duncan

Larry J. Echo Hawk

Stanley G. Ellis

David F. Evans

Enrique R. Falabella

Eduardo Gavarret

Robert C. Gay

Carlos A. Godoy

Christoffel Golden

Gerrit W. Gong

Walter F. González

C. Scott Grow

James J. Hamula

Daniel L. Johnson

Paul V. Johnson

Patrick Kearon

Erich W. Kopischke

Marcus B. Nash

S. Gifford Nielsen

Brent H. Nielson

Allan F. Packer

Kevin W. Pearson

Anthony D. Perkins

Paul B. Pieper

Rafael E. Pino

Bruce D. Porter

Dale G. Renlund

Michael T. Ringwood

Lynn G. Robbins

Joseph W. Sitati

Steven E. Snow

Michael John U. Teh

José A. Teixeira

Juan A. Uceda

Arnulfo Valenzuela

Francisco J. Viñas

W. Christopher Waddell

William R. Walker

Scott D. Whiting

Kazuhiko Yamashita

Jorge F. Zeballos

Claudio D. Zivic

W. Craig Zwick
The Second Quorum of the Seventy (in alphabetical order)

Wilford W. Andersen

Koichi Aoyagi

Randall K. Bennett

Bruce A. Carlson

J. Devn Cornish

Timothy J. Dyches

Bradley D. Foster

Randy D. Funk

O. Vincent Haleck

Kevin S. Hamilton

Larry R. Lawrence

Per G. Malm

James B. Martino

Jairo Mazzagardi

Adrián Ochoa

Kent F. Richards

Gregory A. Schwitzer

Terence M. Vinson

Larry Y. Wilson
The Presiding Bishopric

Gary E. Stevenson
Presiding Bishop

Gérald Caussé
First Counselor

Dean M. Davies
Second Counselor