undefined undefined Requirements Encourage Seminary Students to Elevate Learning
Requirements Encourage Seminary Students to Elevate Learning
January 2015

“Requirements Encourage Seminary Students to Elevate Learning,” Ensign, January 2015, 16

Requirements Encourage Seminary Students to Elevate Learning

young men reading scriptures

New requirements for seminary graduation that will help students “elevate learning” are being implemented throughout the Church. The requirements, which take effect at the beginning of this year’s study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history, include two major elements:

  1. Seminary students will be required to read the book of scripture they are studying for the year, in addition to receiving credit based on attendance and an ecclesiastic endorsement from their bishop or branch president. Scripture reading has been emphasized in the past, but it is now a requirement for graduation.

  2. Students will be required to pass two course-learning assessments during the year, with a score of at least 75 percent. One assessment will be held halfway through the year and the second at the end of the academic year. Assessments will deal primarily with doctrinal understanding and application of gospel principles in everyday life.

The new seminary requirements—together with Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service and the Sunday youth curriculum, Come, Follow Me—will provide youth with the opportunity to become more self-sufficient in their testimonies, deepen their understanding of the gospel, and increase their ability to share their knowledge as they prepare for lives of service and discipleship.

At the end of every year, students will receive either a certificate indicating they completed the requirements necessary (including the reading and assessments) or a certificate of recognition indicating they met attendance requirements.

Seminary students in Guyana, South America, studying the scriptures together