undefined undefined Elder Hugo Montoya
Elder Hugo Montoya
May 2015

“Elder Hugo Montoya,” Ensign, May 2015, 142

Elder Hugo Montoya

First Quorum of the Seventy

Elder Hugo Montoya

Elder Hugo Montoya was understandably overwhelmed when he was called to the First Quorum of the Seventy. He found comfort in President Thomas S. Monson’s gentle words during a training meeting for new General Authorities: “You are here because you love the Savior.” Elder Montoya felt uplifted, knowing his new calling placed him on the Lord’s errand.

“I love the Savior, and I will go wherever I am asked to go,” he said. “I will do whatever I am asked to do. I will say whatever I am asked to say.” Elder Montoya was sustained during the Saturday afternoon session of the Church’s 185th Annual General Conference.

Elder Montoya also finds strength in his family’s legacy of faith. His great-grandfather Rafael Monroy is a pivotal figure in the history of the Church in Mexico. In 1915 Brother Monroy and a fellow member, Vicente Morales, were arrested by a group of revolutionaries during the Mexican Revolution. Both men were told they would be released if, among other demands, they renounced their religion.

The two refused and were shot to death by firing squad.

Elder Montoya said his great-grandfather’s example remains a powerful influence in his life. “I’ve learned that feelings of fear can be overcome by feelings of faith and testimony when you know you are doing the right things.”

Elder Montoya was born on April 2, 1960, in Fresno, California, to Abel Montoya and Maclovia Monroy. He has lived most of his life in Mexico.

He married Maria del Carmen Balvastro in Hermosillo; they were sealed in the Mesa Arizona Temple on April 6, 1983. They have five children.

After laboring as a full-time missionary in the Mexico City North Mission from 1979 to 1981, he served as ward Young Men president, high councilor, bishop, stake president, area auditor, and Area Seventy.

He graduated from Sonora State University in 1986 with an agricultural engineering degree and has worked in several management positions with Xerox and as a Church institute teacher.