“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Ensign, July 2015, 3
Family Home Evening Ideas
This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are some examples.
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“Filled with Life and Energy,” page 22: You might begin by asking the question from page 23: “What one practice, if followed consistently and with discipline, would help you have better health, energy, and inspiration?” Allow family members to give possible answers, and then share the story about the advice Elder Harold B. Lee gave to Elder Marion G. Romney. You could ask family members to identify and discuss other blessings from going to bed early and getting up early (see pages 24–25 for some ideas). Consider inviting family members to make plans for getting adequate sleep, and discuss how you can help each other accomplish those plans.
Joseph Smith Visited by Moroni in the Field, by Gary E. Smith
“The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon,” page 40: Despite his personal weaknesses, Joseph Smith became an instrument in the Lord’s hands as he strove to follow the Savior. We too can be instruments in the Lord’s hands when we strive to improve and become more like Jesus Christ. Think about prayerfully setting some goals individually and as a family. You could discuss the strengths and talents of each family member and discuss how you can use your strengths to help one another accomplish each goal. Talk about how you can each use your strengths to further the work of the Lord, just as the Prophet Joseph did.