The Lord Spoke Peace to Me
July 2015

“The Lord Spoke Peace to Me,” Ensign, July 2015, 78

The Lord Spoke Peace to Me

Trisha Tomkinson Riggs, Arizona, USA

girl in hospital bed

Illustration by Katie Payne

Our daughter Carlie had been sick for a few days, and I thought all she had was a cold. But as her symptoms progressed, I began to think it might be more serious.

My fears were confirmed and intensified at her doctor’s appointment—Carlie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She was slipping into a diabetic coma and needed to get to the hospital quickly. I prayed in my heart that I would be calm and that the doctors would be able to help her.

When we arrived at the emergency room, the doctors and nurses quickly went to work trying to save her. I pled with my Heavenly Father for comfort and peace.

In a moment of quiet, my husband and his father gave Carlie a priesthood blessing. In his blessing, my husband assured her that it was the will of her Heavenly Father that she live. I began to feel peace.

After several more hours of watching doctors poke, test, and check Carlie for improvement, I was exhausted. Her room became less hectic around 1:00 a.m. I didn’t know what to expect, I couldn’t sleep, and I felt alone.

I pulled out a copy of the Book of Mormon my sister had brought to the hospital and prayed that the scriptures would bring me the reassurance I needed. The book fell open to Alma 36:3. As I read, I felt that the Lord was speaking to me: “I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.”

For the second time that night, I felt peace. I knew Heavenly Father was aware of us. He wanted me to know that He was there and that I needed to have faith in Him.

As I reflected on the day’s events, I thought of how the Lord had blessed us. I had felt an urgency to take Carlie to the doctor. We had arrived at the hospital safely. Priesthood holders had arrived quickly to administer a blessing.

Since that day we have settled into a routine of checking blood sugar and keeping snacks on hand. We have learned how diabetes management can affect the body. Carlie’s disease continues to be a trial, but we have learned to trust in our Heavenly Father every day.

That day in the hospital is not one I want to relive, but it is one I will be forever grateful for. It was a day of learning, of exercising faith, of feeling gratitude. I learned that Heavenly Father is aware of each of His children and that He will truly support us in our trials.