Connect with Church History
October 2015

“Connect with Church History,” Ensign, October 2015, inside back cover

Connect with Church History

museum opening

Renovated Church History Museum Now Open

The mural above depicts a wintry scene during the Saints’ last days in Nauvoo as they worked tirelessly to receive their endowments before their journey to the Salt Lake Valley. The mural hangs in the renovated Church History Museum, which features The Heavens Are Opened exhibit. This exhibit honors inspirational lives of early Saints and stories of the Restoration from 1820 to 1846. Artwork, artifacts, and interactive media portray important events in Church history. The centerpiece is a large circular theater that provides visitors with an immersive experience of the First Vision. Other sections of the exhibit highlight global missionary work, the organization of the Relief Society, and the translation of the Book of Mormon. This exhibit provides an opportunity to discover, explore, and interact with Church history like never before.