undefined undefined Strings of Sacrifice
Strings of Sacrifice
December 2015

“Strings of Sacrifice,” Ensign, December 2015, 76

Strings of Sacrifice

Candice A. Grover, Idaho, USA


Illustration by Allen Garns

One Christmas years ago I had too much on my mind to savor the season. My husband, Andy, had developed a cough that, following medical tests, briskly evolved into lung damage, surgery, reconstruction of his esophagus, and biopsies—“just to be safe.” His surgery occurred a week before we moved to a new home.

A few weeks before Christmas, I visited with my neighbor Janae. She asked if I was ready for Christmas. I managed to reply that I was as ready as I would be. I mentioned that we’d always made Christmas cookies with my grandma just before Christmas, and that I’d wanted to make aprons for the girls but probably wouldn’t get around to it.

A week later I settled in the overstuffed chair beside our Christmas tree. The girls were in bed, and Andy was working in his office when I heard the doorbell. I opened the door to find Janae on my doorstep, holding three packages as snowflakes fell behind her.

“Come in,” I said, certain that she could sense my surprise.

“Thanks, but I need to get back,” she said. “These are for your girls.”

Janae handed me the packages.

“They’re aprons,” she said. “They’re not the best, but I was able to finish them tonight.”

In a moment of humbled astonishment, I breathed a thank-you. We hugged, and I watched her make her way home.

As I sat again in my chair, I carefully unfastened the white satin ribbon of one box. Upon opening it, I found a homemade apron fashioned from Christmas fabric. I ran a seam between my thumb and forefinger as I thought about Janae. She had four small children, including twins who were just over a year old. She taught piano, and she held a busy and important calling in our ward.

I tried to figure out when she would have had time to make aprons, and I knew at once that she didn’t have time. She made time.

Tears fell as I felt the love of Heavenly Father extended through Janae—a measure of warmth and comfort as I was encircled about “in the arms of [His] love” (D&C 6:20).

It has been many years since we received the aprons. My daughters have long since outgrown them, but I keep them in my pantry, hanging by their strings from a polished hook underneath newer ones. Each time I see Janae’s gifts, I’m reminded of the comfort and love I felt that night. They remind me of what I want to be—a disciple of Jesus Christ worthy of revelation and willing to give service.