undefined undefined Elder K. Brett Nattress
Elder K. Brett Nattress
May 2016

“Elder K. Brett Nattress,” Ensign, May 2016, 134

Elder K. Brett Nattress

General Authority Seventy

Elder K. Brett Nattress

Elder K. Brett Nattress and his wife, Shauna Lee Adamson Nattress, describe themselves as “imperfect people looking for perfect moments.”

They have found many such moments over the course of their lives—all are connected in some way to the Savior and the Atonement, says Elder Nattress.

Elder Nattress says he was born of goodly parents, David and Judy Sorensen Nattress, and remembers his mother reading the Book of Mormon to the family every day.

On one occasion he was home on a break from college. He was focused on upcoming finals and was not feeling right, though he didn’t feel physically ill.

“If you’re feeling well and don’t feel right,” his mother told him, “you need to go serve somebody.”

Brett threw a snow shovel in the back of the family pickup and went around shoveling the driveways of the widows in the ward. He felt much better.

“I was so focused on myself and the finals, I had forgotten that the real purpose of life is to serve others,” he says.

Elder Nattress was born on March 4, 1965, in Pocatello, Idaho, USA. The family moved to Lehi, Utah, USA, where he and his five siblings experienced life on a small family farm.

He met his future bride while they were both seniors at neighboring high schools. After he returned from serving in the California Sacramento Mission from 1984 to 1986, they were married in the Salt Lake Temple on April 24, 1987. They have seven children.

He attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and graduated from the University of Utah in 1990 with a degree in physical therapy. With his brother David, he cofounded Advanced Health Care Corp. in 2000.

Elder Nattress has served in numerous Church callings, including as ward Young Men president, bishop, stake Young Men president, stake president, and Area Seventy. At the time of his call, he was presiding over the newly formed Arizona Gilbert Mission.