undefined undefined A Heritage of Faith
A Heritage of Faith
July 2016

“A Heritage of Faith,” Ensign, July 2016, 72–74

A Heritage of Faith


music 1
music 2

1. On a morning in the spring,

A boy of tender years

Went into the woods to pray,

Believing God would hear.

He knelt in humble prayer,

And this simple act of faith

Brought God the Father and the Son,

Who taught him face to face.

Now in a modern day,

Though I am in my youth,

The Holy Ghost has testified

That Joseph spoke the truth.

So when the whirlwinds blow,

I am anchored in that peace,

And those who follow after me

Will know what I believed.

2. As heaven filled the earth

With precious truth restored,

Those with hearts prepared to hear

Made cov’nants with the Lord.

They blazed a trail of faith,

And they left their native lands.

They sacrificed through trials and tears,

Their future in God’s hands.

I may not have to leave,

Forsaking hearth and home,

But like the faithful pioneers,

I am called to carry on.

When fiery darts arise

To pull me from my course,

I’ll keep my footsteps strong and sure

And live to serve the Lord.

A heritage of faith,

Left by those who came before,

A refuge from the storm,

A foundation firm and true.

With faith in Jesus Christ,

I will build upon that legacy.

Steadfast and believing in my day,

I will leave a heritage of faith.

© 2016 Rachel Mecham Goates. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.