July 2016
Family Home Evening Ideas
True to the Faith of Our Forefathers
True to Their Faith
You’re a Pioneer Too!
Our Potential for Parenthood
April 2016 Conference Notebook
Keep Trying
Jeffrey R. Holland
Thomas S. Monson
Loving Others with Different Values
In Favor of Religious Freedom
Young Adults
Dealing with Coming Home Early
Jenny Rollins
Staying Strong in France
Mindy Anne Selu
An Eternal Perspective on Personal and Family Finance
Bryan Sudweeks and E. Jeffrey Hill
Elder Dale G. Renlund: An Obedient Servant
Quentin L. Cook
Like the Widow of Zarephath: The Miracle of Fast Offerings
Po Nien (Felipe) Chou and Petra Chou
My Adopted Pioneer Ancestors
Cynthia Woo
The Heavens Are Opened: The New Church History Museum Exhibit
Alan D. Johnson
The Teacher Council Difference
Sandra Cattell
Understanding the Youth You Teach
“Behold Your Little Ones”: Learning to Teach Children
Temple Worship: The Key to Knowing God
Marion D. Hanks
Honoring God by Honoring Our Covenants
Joseph W. Sitati
The Promise of the Sacrament
My Journey as a Pioneer from India
Mangal Dan Dipty, as told to John Santosh Murala
Wings as Eagles
A Heritage of Faith
Rachel Mecham Goates
Becoming Brigham
Don L. Searle
Latter-day Saint Voices
Thank You for Introducing Me to the Gospel
Scott Edgar
I Felt Inadequate
Finding Grandma
Reuben Wadsworth
A Temple Halfway around the World
Robin Estabrooks
Spiritual Crocodiles
Boyd K. Packer
“Insights,” Ensign, July 2016, inside back cover
Photograph by Guy Cohen