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September 2016
Family Home Evening Ideas
After Love, Then What?
Keeping the Commandments and Loving Others
Showing Love
Parenthood Is a Sacred Duty
April 2016 Conference Notebook
Atonement of Jesus Christ
Dale G. Renlund
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Future Roles
Expecting Twins, Finding Miracles
Cheryl Lapating-La Torre
Sister Mabel, Singing
R. Val Johnson
Blessed for My Service
John A. Grinceri
Young Adults
Following Heavenly Father’s Plan for You
Shelley D. Bennett
Are You Afraid of “Missing Out”?
Natalie Cherie Campbell
Building the Kingdom in Australia
Ben Robinson
No Neutral Ground: How Media Influences Us
Aysia Tan
Faith, Fairness, and Religious Freedom
Ronald A. Rasband
Tithing, Timing, and Transportation
Atilio Coitiño Guzmán
According to Our Will
Clyde J. Williams
The Prayers of Our Hearts
A Valuable Lesson in Faith
Lee Allen
His Love through Her Prayer
Susan Morris
“Gathered Together in My Name”
Jakob R. Jones
Four Generations Strong
Robert D. Boyce
Practice Pure Religion
Don R. Clarke
I Did All That for This
Julianne Heywood
Choosing to Live: Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts
How to Create a Suicide-Prevention Safety Plan
Doug Thomas
Can We Live “after the Manner of Happiness”?
Brent H. Nielson
Growing in My Golden Years
Joan Hill Cheney
What Is Humility, and How Do We Develop It?
Barbara A. Lewis
Refiner’s Fire and Fullers’ Soap
Latter-day Saint Voices
Pressing Forward through the Plateaus
Christopher Drake
This Time I Acted
Teresa Weaver
My Unseen Investigator
Diane Mitchell Call
Seeking Etiene
Elson Carlos Ferreira Paraná
The Great Stumbling Block to Zion
Ezra Taft Benson
“Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, September 2016
Doctrinal Highlight