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December 2016
Family Home Evening Ideas
Peace in This Life
How Will You Remember the Savior This Week?
Come unto Christ
Family Joy Is Found in Righteousness
Preparing to Meet God
Devin G. Durrant
Young Adults
“Let’s Make That Our Motto”
Christopher Lambe
Creating Our Happy Ending
Yuri Kutepov
Faith, Hope, and Charity: Interlacing Virtues
Chi Hong (Sam) Wong
Finals Week Inspiration
Megan Nelson
By Study and by Faith
M. Russell Ballard
Fleeing for Faith and Freedom
Eva Walburger
Preparing a Place for the Lord
Gérald Caussé
The 10th International Art Competition: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Christmas Peace in the Midst of War
J Stanford Staheli
Tumbleweeds and Christmas Stars
Andrew L. Sorenson
Why Is Unity Important?
Barbara A. Lewis
The Divine Power of Grace
James J. Hamula
Heavy Trials, Tender Mercies
Alice Warner Johnson
In His Hands
Heather Kyle
Scarlet, Crimson, Snow, and Wool
Coming Home to Your Mission
Wendy Ulrich and Dave Ulrich
Visions of Christmas
Don Staheli and Jim Kasen
Light the World
David A. Bednar
Latter-day Saint Voices
One Blue Bulb
Amy Brown
Giving Away Joy
Jeannine Denise Fabre
Greeting Jesus
Greg Prince
A Sacrament Meeting of Angels
Carrie Ketchum
The True Nature of God
Jeffrey R. Holland
“Insights,” Ensign, December 2016
Photograph by Cody Bell