Family Home Evening Ideas
January 2017

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Ensign, January 2017

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are some examples.

family praying

“Valiant in Our Testimony of the Savior,” page 66. Elder Golden discusses how we will each face difficult yet defining moments in our lives. You could role-play several situations in which family members are faced with a challenging decision. For instance, you might practice saying no to a classmate who asks to cheat off your homework or asking a friend to use clean language. Talk about how you can prepare by developing a strong testimony of the Savior before such situations arise.

Friend Connection: Unanswered Prayers,” page 72. This issue introduces a new department, “Friend Connection.” Use this page to learn how the Friend magazine can help your family understand a different sensitive topic each month. This month’s topic is unanswered prayers. As you look over the suggested ideas, think about how you have seen your prayers answered. You might share specific experiences where the Lord has answered your prayers, whether they were answered in an expected or unexpected manner. Consider encouraging each other to record in a journal the particular ways in which the Lord has answered your prayers and blessed you.