undefined undefined Five New Temples
Five New Temples
May 2017

“Five New Temples,” Ensign, May 2017

Five New Temples

President Thomas S. Monson announced plans to build five additional temples, located in the following cities:

Brasília, Brazil. The Brasília Brazil Temple will be the 10th temple in Brazil, including six temples in operation and three others announced or under construction. Aside from the United States and Mexico, more Latter-day Saints (more than 1.3 million) live in Brazil than any other country. Brazil has a population of about 211 million.

Greater Manila, Philippines. This temple will be the second in Manila and the fourth in the Philippines. There are nearly 750,000 Latter-day Saints in the Philippines, which has a population of 104 million.

Nairobi, Kenya. The temple will serve more than 30,000 members in eastern Africa, including 13,000 members in Kenya, which has a population of 48 million. It will bring to eight the number of temples operating, under construction, or announced in Africa.

Pocatello, Idaho, USA. The Pocatello Idaho Temple will be the sixth temple in Idaho, a state with approximately 450,000 Latter-day Saints and a population of 1.7 million.

Saratoga Springs, Utah, USA. This temple will be found in one of the fastest-growing areas in Utah and will become the 18th temple in the state. Utah, where Church headquarters is located, has 2.1 million members, with a state population of about 3.1 million.

The five temples announced bring the total number of operating temples (155) and temples announced or under construction/renovation (27) to 182 temples worldwide.

Since the October 2016 general conference, the Fort Collins Colorado Temple, the Star Valley Wyoming Temple, and the Hartford Connecticut Temple in the USA have been dedicated, and the Suva Fiji Temple has been rededicated.

Future dedications are planned as indicated below:


Dedication date

Paris France

May 21, 2017

Idaho Falls Idaho (USA)

June 4, 2017 (rededication)

Tucson Arizona (USA)

August 13, 2017

Meridian Idaho (USA)

November 19, 2017

Cedar City Utah (USA)

December 10, 2017

Ground has been broken for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple (Canada), the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple, the Barranquilla Colombia Temple, the Arequipa Peru Temple, and the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple.

Also of note, as construction of the Rome Italy Temple continues, statues of Jesus Christ and the original Twelve Apostles were placed in the visitors’ center, and a statue of the angel Moroni was placed on the spire.