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Conference Story Index
November 2017

“Conference Story Index,” Ensign, November 2017

Conference Story Index

These selected experiences related during general conference can be used in personal study, family home evening, and other teaching. The number refers to the first page of the talk.



Jose L. Alonso

(119) Jose L. Alonso’s grandson questions his grandma’s love for him. Parents whose son dies in an accident unburden themselves through forgiveness.

Neil L. Andersen

(122) The Holy Ghost helps a young woman accept a marriage proposal. Russell M. Nelson blesses the Chinese people because he followed prophetic counsel.

Ian S. Ardern

(117) A fisherman receives a testimony of the Book of Mormon while at sea.

M. Russell Ballard

(104) Latter-day Saint pioneer Jane Manning James remains faithful despite challenges. M. Russell Ballard’s great-grandparents faithfully serve for decades.

Jean B. Bingham

(85) Jean B. Bingham memorizes “The Living Christ.” A Croatian sister travels to the temple to be sealed to her deceased husband and parents.

Tad R. Callister

(107) A friend of Tad R. Callister returns to the Church after receiving a witness of the Church and the Book of Mormon.

D. Todd Christofferson

(36) A mission president repents and changes his heart following a dream.

Quentin L. Cook

(51) Heber C. Kimball undertakes a mission to England. While meeting with Thomas B. Marsh, Joseph Smith receives Doctrine and Covenants section 112.

Stanley G. Ellis

(112) A father and mother strengthen their children by not helping them financially after they finish high school.

Sharon Eubank

(6) A woman changes the course of her family by repenting. A human chain saves swimmers in a rip current. Young women text a girl moving into their ward.

David F. Evans

(68) Young David F. Evans finds answers to gospel questions and gains a witness of the Book of Mormon. A woman gains a testimony of temple ordinances.

Henry B. Eyring

(81) A deacons quorum secretary invites a less-active boy to church. A young adult prays that Bishop Henry B. Eyring will be inspired in giving him counsel. Brigham Young testifies of Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling.

(100) Henry B. Eyring is blessed for obeying President Monson’s counsel to study the Book of Mormon. Latter-day Saints help disaster victims.

O. Vincent Haleck

(58) An elderly couple makes sacrifices to join the Church. A Samoan chief opens his village to the gospel. Samoan Saints give of their “want” to build a temple.

Donald L. Hallstrom

(88) A Church member in California miraculously survives a fall from a cliff. David A. Bednar asks a young man if he has faith “not to be healed.”

Jeffrey R. Holland

(40) In an account by Leo Tolstoy, an imperfect priest defends the path he imperfectly follows.

Joy D. Jones

(13) The Holy Ghost confirms to three women their divine worth as daughters of God.

Joni L. Koch

(110) Joni L. Koch “feels like one” with a fellow Brazilian soccer fan. Joni L. Koch’s father decides “to remain one” with fellow Saints despite being ridiculed.

Neill F. Marriott

(10) Primary boys tell a lonely class member why he is special. Neill F. Marriott prays for help loving a “difficult” relative.

Richard J. Maynes

(75) Richard J. Maynes learns from his father never to compromise his integrity.

Russell M. Nelson

(60) Russell M. Nelson presents a Book of Mormon to an African tribal king. Russell M. Nelson follows President Monson’s counsel to study the Book of Mormon. As a surgical resident, Russell M. Nelson longs to teach grieving family members that death is part of our immortal existence.

Bonnie L. Oscarson

(25) A 10-year-old and 17-year-old look for ways to serve family members. A Relief Society president receives an impression to serve her neighbor.

Stephen W. Owen

(48) Stephen W. Owen realizes that new missionaries “have experienced faith unto repentance.” A returned missionary works to keep himself “in the right way.”

Adilson de Paula Parrella

(115) Missionaries teach the Parrella family that they can be together forever. As a college student, Adilson de Paula Parrella follows prophetic counsel to find a wife.

John C. Pingree Jr.

(32) A Church member from Nepal serves Nepalese refugees in Utah and helps translate the Book of Mormon into Nepali. The Holy Ghost helps John C. Pingree Jr. understand the purpose of “divine assignments.” The Lord works through spiritual gifts and trials to bless His children.

Ronald A. Rasband

(55) Ronald A. Rasband’s granddaughter enjoys an emotional meeting with her brother on his mission. Ronald A. Rasband meets a sister missionary on Temple Square whom he helped bring into the Church.

Dale G. Renlund

(64) Dale G. Renlund rejoices in restoring a young man’s priesthood blessings.

Gary E. Stevenson

(44) Saints celebrate President Monson’s birthday. A total solar eclipse in the United States captivates millions.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

(21) A lost dog walks 2,000 miles (3,220 km) home. Early Church leaders become real to Dieter F. Uchtdorf during a family visit to Church history sites.

W. Christopher Waddell

(94) A Waddell family vacation doesn’t turn out as planned. A Latter-day Saint blinded during World War II leaves behind a legacy of faith, service, and trust in the Lord.

W. Craig Zwick

(97) The Holy Ghost helps W. Craig Zwick understand the needs of an illiterate missionary. A son’s focus on the Savior before his death helps his family look with joy to the next life. A wife is filled with love after she lets go of her negative feelings toward her husband.