Valiant in the Cause of Christ
December 2017

“Valiant in the Cause of Christ,” Ensign, December 2017

Until We Meet Again

Valiant in the Cause of Christ

From Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), 352–56.

You cannot be too good.

woman smiling

I am a lover of the cause of Christ and of virtue, chastity, and an upright, steady course of conduct, and a holy walk.

I believe in living a virtuous, upright and holy life before God and feel it my duty to persuade all [people] in my power to do the same, that they may cease to do evil and learn to do well, and break off their sins by righteousness.

Strengthening our faith by adding every good quality that adorns the children of the blessed Jesus, we can pray in the season of prayer; we can love our neighbor as ourselves, and be faithful in tribulation, knowing that the reward of such is greater in the kingdom of heaven. What a consolation! What a joy! Let me live the life of the righteous, and let my reward be like his! …

As one that greatly desires the salvation of men, let me remind you all to strive with godly zeal for virtue, holiness, and the commandments of the Lord. Be good, be wise, be just, be liberal [with your means]; and above all, be charitable, always abounding in all good works. …

Be meek and lowly, upright and pure; render good for evil. … Be humble and patient in all circumstances of life; we shall then triumph more gloriously.

We feel to exhort our brethren [and sisters] with boldness, to be humble and prayerful, to walk indeed as children of the light and of the day, that they may have grace to withstand every temptation, and to overcome every evil in the worthy name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The reflection that everyone is to receive according to his own diligence and perseverance while in the vineyard, ought to inspire everyone who is called to be a minister of these glad tidings. …

Our trust is in God, and we are determined, His grace assisting us, to maintain the cause and hold out faithful unto the end, that we may be crowned with crowns of celestial glory, and enter into the rest that is prepared for the children of God. …

You cannot be too good. Patience is heavenly, obedience is noble, forgiveness is merciful, and exaltation is godly; and he that holds out faithful to the end shall in no wise lose his reward. A good man [or woman] will endure all things to honor Christ.