New Era Connection
January 2018

New Era Connection,” Ensign, January 2018

New Era Connection

The New Era magazine is there for your teens—and for you. See how this month’s issue can help you talk with them and teach them.

New Era Connection article

A New Year, a New Mutual Theme

The 2018 Mutual theme comes from Doctrine and Covenants 19:23: “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” This month’s New Era contains articles related to the theme.

Talk with Them

Here are some questions you might ask:

  • Why do you think Church leaders want your age-group to focus on a scripture that talks about how to find peace?

  • Is finding peace something that other teenagers are really concerned with?

  • Have you seen other people try to find peace in their lives by doing things that you know won’t bring them peace? What would help them?

Teach Them

In family home evening or other teaching settings, consider using something you saw in the New Era. For instance:

  • Read quotes about the purpose of the theme from the article by the Young Men and Young Women General Presidencies (page 22).

  • Use “Line upon Line” (page 26) to help youth learn the meaning behind each aspect of the scripture verse.

  • Read the story “My Strange Neighbor” (page 31), and ask youth if they know anyone in a similar situation or with a similar experience.