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Resolve to Repent
January 2018

“Resolve to Repent,” Ensign, January 2018


Resolve to Repent

While goals for the new year can help us grow, the best way to change is through repentance.

young woman

President Monson explains that “our responsibility is to rise from mediocrity to competence, from failure to achievement. Our task is to become our best selves.” Many people dedicate January to making goals and resolutions of improvement: to smile more, eat healthier, or learn a new skill. While these goals can help you change for the better, the best way to change is through repentance.

Though repentance can be hard, it is a gift! As we rely on Jesus Christ by repenting of our sins, we are able to grow and progress. President Monson said: “Essential to the plan [of salvation] is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Without His atoning sacrifice, all would be lost.” Through repentance, you can be washed clean of your sins and progress to become more like Him.

Think of something that may be keeping you from becoming like the Savior. Is it your language? how you treat your friends or family? After thinking of what you could improve, pray to Heavenly Father and express your desire to change. Remember that through the power of His Atonement, Jesus Christ can help you overcome your weakness. As President Monson taught, “The gift of repentance, provided by our Savior, enables us to correct our course settings.”